Women’s Ministry seeks to help all women of NorthCreek Church to worship God, walk in love and witness to the world. We do that by offering Bible studies, discipleship, and special events that allow for spiritual growth and fellowship. Please join us this year as we grow together in the Word of God and in communion with each other. Click below for more information about our various opportunities.
Women's Retreat
Women’s Retreat 2024
October 4 - 6
Mt. Hermon Christian Conference Center
Registration Opens August 19th
It’s that time of year when we look forward to deep breaths of fresh mountain air, quality time with other women, and solid teaching from the Bible. Join us for our annual weekend away at beautiful Mt. Hermon in Santa Cruz, only 90 minutes from NorthCreek!
For any questions, you can email
We hope you can join us!
More Information
Tuesday Evening Bible Study
We will be offering two Bible studies on Tuesday evenings this year. These studies will start on September 3 from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Worship Center. There is NO childcare available. Please read the descriptions below and then click the registration link to sign up.
Tuesday Evening Women’s Bible Study
We will be going through the book of Exodus together in small groups. You will meet in the Worship Center the first night to receive your small group assignment and class materials. The cost for the study is $7. Questions? Please contact Leanne Sears.
Fundamentals of the Faith Small Group
This is a new small group with a limited number of spots available. This study is perfect for the woman who is new to the faith or has questions about Christianity. It will cover the “fundamentals” of the Bible and what it means to be a Christian. You will meet in the Worship Center the first night to receive your small group assignment and class materials. The cost for the workbook is $10.
Registration is Open
Register Now
For more information, please contact Katie Willis.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
We offer three Bible studies on Wednesday mornings. They will begin September 4 from 9:30-11:30 am. There is NO childcare available this year. Please read the descriptions below and then click the registration link to sign up.
Wednesday AM Small Group Study
We will be going through the book of Exodus together. Each week, you will meet in small groups for discussion and then come together for a short lecture. For our first morning, you will meet in room 119/120 to receive your small group assignment and class materials. The cost for the study is $7. Questions? Please contact Stephanie Cranmer.
Precept Upon Precept
This study meets together in one large group and will be covering Ezra, Haggai, Nehemiah, 1 & 2 Timothy this year. We discuss the lesson and then show a DVD lecture that accompanies it. Precepts will meet in room 117/118 at 9:30. The cost for all the workbooks for the year will be $70. You will receive all your materials on our first morning together. For more information, please contact Katie Willis.
Fundamentals of the Faith Small Group
This is a new small group with a limited number of spots available. This study is perfect for the woman who is new to the faith or has questions about Christianity. It will cover the “fundamentals” of the Bible and what it means to be a Christian. For the first morning, you will meet in room 119/120 to receive your small group assignment and class materials. The cost for the workbook $10. For more information, please contact Katie Willis.
Registration is Open
Register Now
For more information, please contact Katie Willis.
Gospel Moms
What is it?
Gospel Moms is a ministry for moms of young children who desire to be encouraged and discipled by an older woman in a small group setting, to apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their everyday lives. Our purpose is to follow the command in Titus 2:3-5 and 10c instructing the older women to “teach what is good, and so train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled…. so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.”
Who can register?
Moms who attend NorthCreek and have young children (elementary age or below). There is an “Olive Shoots” children’s program available (registration is required) for children ages 0-5. Registration for Olive Shoots is limited, so please register early. Please contact Kelly Alexander if you have any questions.
What does it look like?
The young moms who register will be placed in a small group which will include several other young moms in a similar season of life, led by an older woman who has experience and maturity, having lived through the season of life being experienced by the younger women. There will be a 30-minute biblically based teaching time with topics related to the virtues listed in Titus 2:3-5, followed by an hour of discussion about how the teaching and the Gospel informs how we should live our lives to the glory of God. We will end our time together sharing prayer requests and praying for one another in our small group. This is a wonderful way to enjoy fellowship, develop friendships, and grow in our faith as we spend time encouraging one another.
When will this program meet?
We meet 13 times from September – May, on the 2nd and 4th Thursday mornings of most months. Our meetings take place from 9:30-11:30 am in rooms 117-118.
September 12 and 26
October 10 and 24
November 14
December 12
January 9 and 23
February 13
March 13 and 27
April 24
May 8
Registration is Full. Please add your name to the waitlist.
For more information, please contact Katie Willis.
One2One Discipleship
One2One is formal discipleship for NorthCreek members and regular attenders that encourages spiritual growth in a believer’s walk with Christ. Meet one-on-one with a more mature sister in the Lord for 10-12 meetings, for the purpose of walking through life together. You will read and discuss scripture and work through various topics related to godly living. This is for those who want to grow in their walk with the Lord, be challenged and held accountable, and be encouraged through the Spirit. This is an ongoing program.
The COMA Bible Reading Method
1 John Outline
1 Timothy Outline
Colossians Outline
Gospels - Mark Outline
All Outlines
Book List for One-to-One
Evaluating a Testimony
Single Moms
Our group seeks to strengthen single-mom families in our church and in our community. Older and younger single moms join together for mutual encouragement in our journey of single-parenting. We seek to live out God’s parenting principles in our current season as single mothers. For more information or to receive email notifications of upcoming events, please email .
Helping Hands
Sharing God’s Word one stitch at a time. Using donated materials, we create quilts and pillowcases for the Bay Area Rescue Mission. We also serve children in need by making dresses and shorts for Kids4TheKingdom. Scripture is stitched into the bedding and we pray over each individual who will be receiving these items. No sewing experience is necessary – just a heart to serve and hands to help. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 9:30 - 12:00 in FMC140. Contact Jeanne Andrews for more information.
Future Events
Save the Dates!
Women’s Retreat: Mount Hermon in Santa Cruz, October 4-6, 2024