We believe that joining a local church allows us to experience:
- God's presence through worship that addresses the deepest longing of our heart and the greatest goal of life
- God's people in a place where we can both be ministered to and minister to others
- God's peace by applying and obeying the principles found in God's Word
- God's power equipping us to help fulfill His great 'make disciples of all the nations'
The fall membership class is 4 weeks long. You will learn more about what we believe and teach, about our ministries, and about the privileges and responsibilities of membership. The next class series will meet weekly on Sunday morning, beginning September 8 through September 29, 2024. We will be meeting in FMC241 from 10:45 am - 12:05 pm.
The next membership class will begin September 8, 2024 through September 29, 2024.
To Register,Click Here